(Re)Connect GIF - MODE Fest Finalist

This animated piece was created for the 2021 MODE Fest GIF Challenge. The theme for 2021 was “(re)connect.” The looping gif was meant to showcase how music can bring us back to a certain time in our lives and help us reconnect with our inner child. 

Brainstorm & Storyboarding

The hardest part of the project wasn’t the execution, it was trying to think of a strong enough concept that would resonate with a wide audience regardless of age. At first, I thought of experiences, but that was too broad since not everyone has the same shared experiences.

I decided to use music as my main concept because it is so diverse and open to anyone. I thought why take an older version of a character and create a younger/kid version to compliment the time change? My neater storyboard showcases the final storyboard process I had in my head.

Background Illustrations

As we grow older, our likes and dislikes change just as technology does.

Many things hint as to the current time period she is living in: “The Mandalorian” poster, the “Avengers: Endgame” vinyl, and the small receiver with speakers included.

The colors are muted and similar in tone to give off the feeling its a modern room like at IKEA.

Here we have the flashback version where the colors are much brighter and pop out.

The hints to the time period she is living in are the kid toys, the CD player/radio, and the wall decor. Everything here shows that she is just a kid having fun despite the room being messy with decor all over the wall.

Character Development

In my original sketch, I wanted to go for the globohomo look with the long legs and simple, primary shapes. All the parts except the legs, pants, arms, and sleeves were created in Illustrator. For the moving parts, I built them using the AE script, Rubberhose, to make it easier to animate.

The Project Outcome

The outcome was an interesting one. I was a finalist for MODE Fest 2021! This project is indeed one of my favorites and I can add it to my achievement list. Aside from that, this was a learning experience in more ways than one. I made my characters move using a script I never used before and I learned how to create them from start to finish. In the end, everything turned out to be a success!